Thursday, December 29, 2011

32 Week Photo

I know, I know....I can't believe it either. I am 32 weeks already! Oy!

I have been happily getting ready for this little man. I must say the nesting instincts are especially strong with me. I have almost scrubbed every inch of the house, and today, I decided to wash the pillow coverings and then proceeded to vacuum the couch because ya know it needed it :) The husband just chuckles when I get in my cleaning frenzy mood, and seeing as how it hits me once a day, he gets a good laugh quite often!

We have a few things to get for AJ (ie the crib, diapers, and some bottles), but things are quickly coming together. I am loving being pregnant (yes, even now). He is growing like a weed, letting me know just how big he is at the most inopportune times. Just a few days ago I had a video conference for work and he was swinging from my rib cage. Oh, and since I have yet to mention it, in the middle of the hubbub of the holidays and baby preparations, I began my new job as a math tutor for a university. It is all done online so I can be a Mama first and work second. I can make my own office hours and work whenever I can. This is definitely an answer to prayer, since I can work from home, my husband can continue to go to school, and we can both be here for our son and each other.

And without further adieu, here is the most recent photo of the belly bump

We are so grateful for this past year and looking forward to the next!

Happy New Year to everyone.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

It's a beautiful bump!

Exciting news about your tutoring! That sounds great.

Nest away, Jaclyn. Enjoy it all....


McFarland-Higgins family said...

That is such a sweet and tiny bump! Many blessings in 2012!!

Laura said...

MATH TUTOR???????????
You are SMART too????

I can not do math.
I failed math.
Hope you still like me.

You look beautiful and I can not wait til that baby is here with us!

If you like, you can come and clean my house....:-)

Knitty said...

2012 is going to be soooo much fun for you! Congratulations on your new job. Best wishes to your family.