Friday, October 19, 2012

Picture Palooza

Just a few peaks at the everyday.....

     Eating some tasty blueberries!

                                                             You lookin' at me, Mama?


Already my deep thinker.

Now to go snuggle him tons and beg the Heavens to slow time.


Little Wife on the Prairie said...

Just precious!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a beautiful boy! Gorgeous eyes!

Time will not slow, but just savor it all - drink it in. You'll remember forever!


KTW said...

He is gorgeous! :) It does go far too quickly. Treasure every blessed moment! <3

April said...

Oh goodness! He is SO cute!!!

Cheyenne said...

I missed these photos. He is honestly so very precious! I can see a lot of you in him.

He truly does look so thoughtful, eh?

I also read your latest post and it always seems with any type of change in schedule & life...comes a bit of adjustment. I'm praying for you on this walk. I appreciate your heart in seeking God in all things and staying ever grateful---and so refreshing to see your love for your baby boy comes first. Over & over, I will always think of you as such a wonderful mother....and surely this sweet son of your's will know this & grow up to be such a fantastic lil' man!