Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stitched Together

This wall stitches together the fiber of my being; this wall is far more than pictures and sayings. This wall is the story of our life together, where we are, where we've been. Pictures help to capture the moments we hope to never forget, the ones ingrained in our minds forever. Our wedding day. The second to last day on our honeymoon. Molly as a baby. 'That' trip to cheeks still hurt just thinking about it.

And as I look at that wall, I can't help but feel overwhelmingly blessed. Especially, after all the tornadoes that have flattened homes, homes not too far from here. We are safe, we are wrapped in a little bubble. The prayers continue for all those who are or have been effected.

We all have walls of pictures, stitching us together. When one weeps, another prays. When one feels lost, another volunteers. When one is hurt, another begins again. We are all stitched together. May we all stand together.



Cheyenne said...

Oh my...what a touching post. I love this last paragraph. It is so true.

Anita said...

I know! I love my photos, too!