As the saying goes, you never know when you are entertaining angels...
We have seen unimaginable feats of kindness and generosity these past few years. There has been moments when financially things have been tight, and we wondered how the needs would be met. We stood there unknowing of the path before us, scared to move forward, but fearful to remain stagnant. We wondered how the ends would meet, or if the ends were too frayed and too frazzled to stitch together. In all our wondering, we need not to have feared, God had our backs.
All around us there were hidden angels. They were disguised as the neighbor who dropped by with fresh deer meat, claiming he had too much and not wanting any to go to waste. Their wings were hidden beneath the flannel overcoat of a friend who just happened to give a quarter of the pecan harvest, as long as we were willing to crack and remove the shells. Their halos were disguised by the cowboy hat of a family member who dropped off sacks of new clothing for our little guy when we wondered what he would wear after a grow spurt. Their kind hearts glowed brightly as they patiently did all they could to assist with the day to day, while the Lord blessed me with a job to do from home.
My eyes well up just thinking about them....
Friends, we don't often know where the day will lead us, but I do know where I have been. And with every grocery trip, with every bill paid, I feel a gratefulness of spirit so deep that it is simply in-explainable with words. The ability to make a nourishing meal while the kiddo plays with his toys and the warmth from the heater radiating is a blessing from above. I am a blessed girl, with the love of a good man, the sweet hugs of a little boy, the promise from Him, and the kindness of angels here on earth.